
Nextcloud bruteforce settings


Why the fuck is this not implemented in GUI in the Bruteforcesettings App?

It call's itself "Bruteforcesettings" and the only thing I can change is addING A WHITELISTED IP??

The issue on GitHub has been open for more than SEVEN YEARS. It's the FOURTH issue opened in that Repo. How fucking hard can it be to change 4 integer values using a HTML form?


Alright, I've calmed down. Here is how to change it:

Go to your Nextcloud installation folder, open up lib/public/Security/Bruteforce/IThrottler.php and change the following values to your liking:

  • MAX_DELAY - Controls the maximum delay between login attempts. In seconds.
  • MAX_DELAY_MS - Same as above, but in milliseconds for some reason.
  • MAX_ATTEMPTS - Maximum number of attempts per 30min.

Just keep in mind that you will have to change this everytime you update your Nextcloud instance.